The Problem with Brandon Sanderson


So our blog has been a bit quiet this year. In case you are wondering what happened, I (mostly) blame Brandon Sanderson.


I finished The Final Empire for the assigned reading and that was all fine. As I had enjoyed it I thought I’d start on The Well of Ascension. Well, I think I must have fallen into the Well of Ascension because somehow I am now 3/4 of the way through The Hero of Ages (points for puns, right?). The problem with reading Brandon Sanderson’s work is that you won’t want to do anything else.

I’ve decided the Mistborn books will get a mega blog post dedicated to them once I’ve finished The Hero of Ages. The best part of this is that Mr NW has not actually read The Hero of Ages, so I’m ahead of him on a series! No, I’m not overly competitive *cough cough*.

Also, Mr NW is rapidly making his way through his birthday book haul stack so there will be lots of reviews coming your way soon. If you missed his review of Seventh Decimate by Stephen Donaldson you can find it here.

Otherwise we have been busy lying on the beach, enjoying the glorious sunshine and trying to make the most of summer while the rest of you in the Northern Hemisphere seem to be getting absolutely dumped on with snow.


Finally, with it being the start of the new year there seems to be an influx of new bloggers to WordPress, so welcome to our new readers. Feel free to leave a comment below to introduce yourself, don’t be shy!

Also here are some of our better posts that sum up what we are about (mostly written by Mr NW who actually knows what he’s talking about):


Anyone else had a slow start to the year?

31 thoughts on “The Problem with Brandon Sanderson

  1. Hello Mrs NW, I have had a nice start to the year thanks, but it looks like I’m going to have to start reading very quickly very soon. I have just asked my local library to order in the Mistborn and Stormlight series books if they can, so sorry, I may have to avoid a couple of your upcoming posts to avoid spoilers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You asked for both at once!!! That is a lot of reading.

      That’s ok – you can come back and read the post once you’ve caught up 🙂 I thought about whether I could write about the books without spoilers but it’s too hard, there’s too many details I’d like to discuss. I will be sure to add a spoiler warning though!

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      1. Well I asked if they could obtain them, but here in the outer reaches there are a lot of financial cutbacks to libraries and public services so they may not be able to. I do know they have Oathbringer but that’s the latest one IIRC!

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  2. And just think, you have so many more of his books yet still to read. Isn’t that a glorious thought?
    My year has started off at a pretty good clip, mainly due to reading the robin comics. Those get read in an afternoon and reviewed right away.

    Of course, I just hit my next Malazan book, the Bonehunters by Steven Erikson. So that has pretty much stopped me for several days, if not closer to a week! I was reading it sunday and he wrapped up a huge plot point and I thought to myself “that was a great book, how’s he going to wrap it up?” only to look down and realize I was only 35% done with the book 😀

    Doorstoppers. Gotta hate’em, gotta love’em!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Haha that’s the funny thing about e-books. It’s so hard to gauge how long they are. I really dislike the timer thing where it tells you “you have 14 hours of reading remaining for this book”. I’d rather not know that.

      So I’ve been wondering, is Mrs Bookstooge a big reader as well?

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      1. I don’t like that time left option either. I tried it once and it really ruined the book for me. I felt like I was in a race with myself or something. So now I leave it at page/percent done.

        Mrs B reads as much as I do but in the last 5 years or so has started reading fan translated web novels from Korea, China, Japan. They’re released chapter by chapter and she has a couple of sites that she has bookmarked that she just cruises through like a shark through minnows. She uses and does a lot of sifting.

        But we both love Sanderson, Jordan, etc. She listened when I was distraught about Jordan dying and let me vent with my threatening to dig him up and kill him all over again for leaving us the Wheel of Time incomplete. Thank goodness Sanderson strode up the plate…

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  3. I clicked on your post thinking “What on earth could be wrong about Sanderson?!” Now that I read it I completely agree lol. I fell into a hole when I first started reading his books and if I wasn’t careful I could spend a lot longer in there looking for Cosmere clues. Love those books. 🙂

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  4. I don’t blame you for getting lost in a Brandon Sanderson book. I have not yet read “Mistborn,” but I have finished “The Way of Kings,” and I plan on reading the second books soon. Sanderson is phenomenal because of how talented he is in so many aspects of fantasy. Some fantasy writers are brilliant with characterization. Others are brilliant in world building. Some are brilliant in plot. Sanderson excels all all those areas, having mastered them all.

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  5. Got to admit that once you start a Sanderson book you just want to read them all. I read The Way of Kings as my first Sanderson book and just couldn’t stop myself for saying I’m going to read absolutely anything the man writes. Good thing I’m not a particularly fast reader… helps me spread his book over the year a bit more evenly. I am however envious that you’re already 3 books into that series though! Happy reading!

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